

Yulya Valuy

Marketing Manager, Creative

I am an interdisciplinary artist and curator with a strong marketing background. I work with start-ups 
(i.e., disruptive fashion, industrial recycling, etc.), forward-thinking businesses, educational entities and art spaces. 

My main expertise lies in organizing educational and promotional immersive events and campaigns where new technologies and innovative products are presented in unconventional ways.

Growing up in a scientific town in Siberia, I was fascinated by the numerous bizarre machines built by Soviet scientists. This environment nurtured my overall curiosity and eagerness for world development. I have further lived in various cultural hubs – including Saint Petersburg, Berlin, Beijing, and now Los Angeles – where I have been introduced to the latest contributions from international artists, creators, and technologists.

Building on my background and network of collaborators, I have a strong belief that art and STEM disciplines are interdependent and should develop in a cross-disciplinary manner. I am intrigued by the possibilities that emerge at the intersection of those fields.

Currently, I work as a 'translator' between three worlds: art, technology, and business. Immersed in their agendas, I understand the concerns and desires of people from these sectors and I am effective at connecting them in order to create impressive projects


California Institute of the Arts, LA (2023 - 2024)                                                                                           
MA, Art & Technology, Integrated Media
CIP Code 11.0804 Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation

Berlin School of Economics and Law  (2019 - 2021)
MA, Marketing

Saint Petersburg State University, Russia (2015 - 2019)
BBA, Business Administration, Management


„48 Hours Neukölln“ Festival, „Pop Up Gallery, Group Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 2022
„Emergency Gathering“, Group Exhibition, Acud Macht Neu, Berlin, Germany, 2022
„Planet Blue“, Group Exhibition, Mommsen35, Berlin, Germany, 2022
„Endorphin Delusion“, Group Exhibition, GlogauAir, Berlin, Germany, 2021
„Market“, Group Exhibition, Erratum Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2021
„Vulva Vulgaris“, Group Exhibition, Kroika, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 2021
„Feminist translocalities“ Group Exhibition, Goethe-Institut, ArtEl, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2021
„grow(in)g stones“, Solo Exhibition, LOKAL nk, Berlin, Germany, 2021
“I Form”, Loophole, Solo Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 2020
„Secrets and Ladders“, Group Exhibition, Slishkom Lichnoe, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020
“48 Hours Novosibirsk”, Group Exhibition, Goethe-Institut, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2019

Concerts, Live Music, Fashion Shows

„ATM Fashion SS23 Intervention by Selva Gens x Elie Manuel & Stella Eleni“ Berlin, Germany, 15/10/2022
„Moonlight Vol.ll“, Menschmeier, Berlin, Germany, 7/08/2022
„00ENDISKO“, Menschmeier, Berlin, Germany, 6/08/2022
„LExp“, Acud Macht Neu, Berlin, Germany 24/06/2022
„PURPLE OVER NIGHT“ in freiLand, Potsdam, Germany, 25/05/2022
„AfterWerk“ Networking for Queers, Hallesches Haus, Berlin, Germany, 04/05/2022
Music event from FSR Slavistik der Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 30/04/2022
„Widows for Sameheads“, Sameheads, Berlin, Germany, 14/04/2022
„CHOOSE:feminism“, Menschmeier, Berlin, Germany, 18/03/2022
„New Fears Market“, New Fears Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 04/02/2022
„Moonlight“, Kulturhaus Kili, Berlin, Germany, 01/10/2021
„Widows in Sameheads“, Sameheads, Berlin, Germany, 20/09/2021
„Fete de la Musique“, Assosiation House Fforst, Frankfurt Oder, Germany, 21/07/2021
„Slawistische Sommerfest“, FSR Slavistik der Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 16/07/2021
„Dynamic“, Kulturhaus Kili, Berlin, Germany, 17/07/2021
“Das Gegenteil“ - Butoh Performance (Valentin Tszin Dancing, online), Berlin, Germany, 19/10/2020
„CYC“, Repeat Bar, Berlin, Germany, 12/03/2020
„Lazy.Sunday mit Yulav“, Minimal Bar, Berlin, Germany, 09/02/2020


Hör Radio Berlin Deutschland (several), Fernweh Radio Madrid Spain, BOXOUT New Deli India,
Radio Alhara Palestine, SOHO Radio London, Reform Radio Manchester, Noods Radio Bristol United Kingdom